Distinguished Faculty and Staff
Congratulations to this year’s recipients of Distinguished Faculty and Staff Awards: Bibo Li, professor of biological, geological and environmental sciences, and Zhiqiang Gao, associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science, for research; Debbie Jackson, associate professor of teacher education, and Jeff Karem, professor of English, for service; Petru Fodor, associate professor of physics, and Wenbing Zhao, professor of electrical engineering and computer science, for teaching; Karen Locker, administrative secretary, Office of the Provost, for service, classified staff; and Mary Therese Kocevar, director of sponsored programs and research services, for service, professional staff.
The highest honor, the Jennie S. Hwang Award for Faculty Excellence, went to Dr. Li, a leader in the global fight to find a cure for sleeping sickness. The award recognizes faculty for bringing regional, national and international recognition to CSU through exceptional achievements in teaching, research and service. The award was established by Dr. Hwang, a former member of the CSU Foundation board of directors and CEO of H Technologies Group.
Emerging and Innovative Practice
Susan Bazyk, professor of occupational therapy, was the 2017 recipient of the Emerging and Innovative Practice Award from the American Occupational Therapy Association. She was recognized for promoting children’s mental health, particularly as director of Every Moment Counts: Promoting Mental Health Throughout the Day. This multi-pronged initiative has strategically enabled occupational therapy practitioners throughout Ohio and nationally to better address the mental health needs of children and youth.
Power 100
President Ronald M. Berkman and CSU Board of Trustees Chairman Bernie Moreno were named to Cleveland Magazine’s Power 100: Leaders of Northeast Ohio list for 2018. Moreno is the president of the Bernie Moreno Companies.
Housing Dynamics in Northeast Ohio
A new book by noted housing policy expert Thomas Bier, a senior fellow with CSU’s Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, describes how, over the decades, public policies combined with natural population migration shaped the city of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County and the region.
Housing Dynamics in Northeast Ohio: Setting the Stage for Resurgence provides a comprehensive review of housing development and population migration across the region. Attention is given to Cuyahoga County as it is the first county in Ohio to be nearly built out.
The Legacy of the Pharmacy Industry
Names like Marshal’s, Revco and Medic Discount Drug once adorned storefronts throughout Northeast Ohio. But shifting consumer preferences and an increase in competition led to the rise of new names in the pharmacy industry and the decline of much of the old guard.
The Legacy of the Pharmacy Industry: Cleveland, Ohio by Richard Klein, professor of urban studies and business, provides a comprehensive account of the evolution of drug stores, chronicling their rise from neighborhood stores to nationwide giants.
Cooperative Engineering Education
Sandra English, senior manager for CSU’s Center for Engineering Experiential Learning, was awarded the 2018 Alvah K. Borman Award for excellence in cooperative engineering education. The award is given annually by the Cooperative Experiential Education Division of the American Society of Engineering Education.
CSU’s engineering cooperative education program started at Fenn College. Today the program places more than 100 students annually with such industry partners as General Electric, Parker Hannifin and Swagelok.
Lifetime Achievement
Leo W. Jeffres, professor emeritus of communication, received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of Professional Journalists, Cleveland Chapter. Dr. Jeffres has more than 50 years of experience as a journalist and communication researcher and was a faculty member and administrator at CSU for over four decades. He is nationally recognized for his research and has written several books.
The Real Cleveland
It’s been called The Mistake on the Lake, America’s Comeback City and The Best Location in the Nation. What is the real Cleveland, Ohio? In his book Believing in Cleveland, J. Mark Souther discusses the city’s national image, while also chronicling how local leaders used imagery and rhetoric to combat and, at times, accommodate urban and economic decline.
Dr. Souther, professor of history, explores Cleveland’s path through the 20th century, including its reign as one of America’s most prominent metropolises and its fight against urban decay and deindustrialization.
New Writers Award
Hilary Plum, associate director of the CSU Poetry Center, received the 2018 New Writers Award for Creative Non-fiction from the Great Lakes Colleges Association. She was honored for her first nonfiction work, Watchfires.
She also has written two novels, They Dragged Them Through the Streets and Strawberry Fields, which won the Fence Modern Prize in Prose. Plum joined CSU in 2017.
Also in this Issue...
Personal Growth Through Service Learning
Martin Barnard, shares his experiences as a member of Viking Expeditions (VE). Since 2007, VE has been helping CSU graduate and undergraduate students broaden their worldview through local, national and international service opportunities. Read more >>
Athletics Hall of Fame
Four new members have been inducted into the CSU Athletics Hall of Fame — Sarah Galon, Christine Kohler Myeroff, Kristen Obush and Jake Scott. Read more >>