The CSU Community Quickly Moved Into Action
- A team of professors and students developed a new web application that allowed public health authorities to track the number of available ventilators each day by city, county and state. CountSupplies.org allowed hospitals to quickly and easily register and update their inventory of ventilators both in use, and available for use, on a daily basis.
- CSU donated two full pallets of PPE to University Hospitals in Cleveland, including 750 masks, 115 gowns, 55 pairs of safety goggles and 3,500 disposable gloves, which were collected from various university colleges and departments.
- Terry Pieritz, costume shop supervisor and faculty designer in the Department of Theatre and Dance, sewed hundreds of masks for health care workers, donating to nurses and nursing homes both locally and as far away as California, Louisiana and Texas.
- Technical director Cameron Michalak, also in the Department of Theatre and Dance, built a home makerspace to use a 3D printer to create face shields and washable masks for healthcare workers, donating over 200 shields and 1,300 masks locally.
- Mike Sturdevant, a graduate of CSU’s mechanical engineering program, and Bogdan Kozul, a professor of practice in mechanical engineering, worked to develop new, low-cost ventilators to help address the large spike in need due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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