Global Agriculture Grows the World
Charlotte Sine graduated from Fenn College in 1958 with a bachelor’s degree in English. That degree served her well during a 46-year career in various editorial positions at Meister Media Worldwide.
Although she “retired” in 2005, the 89-year-old retains her editor-at-large title and can be found working in the company’s Willoughby offices every Tuesday and Thursday.
Meister’s focus is agriculture; its slogan is “Empowering Global Agriculture. Your trusted partner empowering the business of global agriculture to grow a better world.”
Sine joined the company in August 1959, just a year after graduating from Fenn, as an editorial assistant on American Vegetable Grower and American Fruit Grower magazines. In February 1961, the firm purchased Farm Chemicals (now CropLife) and County Ag/Vo-Ag Teacher from Ware Brothers in Philadelphia and she was named associate editor of Farm Chemicals, becoming managing editor in the 1970s and editorial director in the 1980s.
In 1999, she was named corporate executive vice president and editorial director, a position she held until transitioning into editor-at-large in 2005 as a part-time employee.
“This job has given me the opportunity to travel internationally to Europe, Japan, Taiwan, China, Mexico and South America. I also had the opportunity to participate in associations and served one term as chair of the MidWest Agricultural Chemicals Association,” she says.
During her tenure, the company had several name changes – American Fruit Grower Publishing Co., Meister Publishing, and in 2003 became Meister Media Worldwide to reflect growing involvement with agriculture worldwide. New publications were added — Cotton Trade Journal (now Cotton Grower), Greenhouse Grower, Florida Grower, Western Fruit Grower, Farm Chemicals International (now AgriBusiness Global) — some acquired, some created. Events such as industry conferences and trade shows were added and now are a significant part of the company’s activities.
Sine credits Fenn College for helping to prepare her for career success. “Being editor of the Nite Shift (Fenn’s evening division newspaper) was an invaluable experience. Serving on Student Council was good training for working with people with diverse interests,” she says.
Sine’s college experience began at Bowling Green State University but she left after three semesters due to finances. Coming home, she found full-time employment with Central National Bank where she had worked two summers.
“I was located in the bank’s main office and Fenn was close by. I didn’t have a car and lived in North Olmsted so proximity and transportation influenced my decision to enroll at Fenn,” she recalls.
Sine has fond memories of Fenn.
“Taking a poetry class where we met in the prof’s office because there were only three of us enrolled. It was impossible to hide so you always had to be prepared. Parking behind Fenn Tower and always being on the lookout for the rats that frequented after 9 p.m. when night classes were ending. Diverse discussions in classes where the age of students ranged from 18 to 50 (or more) and job experience from nil to 30 or more years,” she remembers.
“We are lucky to have this great institution in the heart of the city, accessible to everyone, and providing the opportunity to be a full-time or part-time student and still enjoy the college experience,” she adds.
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